Please answer the following eleven questions as they relate to your life the past twelve months.

In the last 12 months….

"*" indicates required fields

1. Did you have strong desires or cravings for the drug?*
2. Did you want to cut back or stop using the drug, but couldn’t?*
3. Did you spend a lot of time trying to get the drug, using the drug, or recovering from using it?*
4. Did you have times when you used the drug more or for longer than you wanted to?*
5. Did using the same amount of drug have less effect than it used to? Or did you have to use more to feel the effect you wanted?*
6. Did you have withdrawal symptoms when you weren’t using the drug? Or did you use the drug to avoid having these symptoms?*
7. Did you continue to use the drug even though you thought it might be causing mental or physical problems – or making them worse?*
8. Did you use the drug even though you thought it might be causing problems with your family or other people?*
9. Did using the drug make it harder for you to keep up with your responsibilities at work, school or home?*
10. Did you spend less time working, enjoying hobbies, or being with others because of your use of the drug?*
11. Did you do something dangerous more than once after using the drug – like drive a car or operate machinery?*

Thank you! We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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