Please answer the following eleven questions as they relate to your life the past twelve months.

In the last 12 months….

"*" indicates required fields

1. Did you have strong desires or cravings for alcohol?*
2. Did you want to cut back or stop drinking, but couldn’t*
3. Did you spend a lot of time getting alcohol, drinking, or feeling hungover?*
4. Did you have times when you drank more or for longer than you wanted to?*
5. Did drinking the same amount have less effect than it used to? Or did you have to drink more to feel the effect you wanted?*
6. Did you have an upset stomach or get sweaty, shaky, or nervous when you weren’t drinking or when you tried to cut down? Did you drink alcohol or take something to help you feel better?*
7. Did you continue to drink even though you thought it might be causing physical or mental programs – or making them worse?*
8. Did you drink alcohol even though you thought it might be causing problems with your family or other people?*
9. Did drinking make it harder for you to keep up with your responsibilities at work, school or home?*
10. Did you spend less time working, enjoying hobbies, or being with other because of your drinking?*
11. Did you do dangerous things more than once after drinking – like drive a car or operate machinery?*

Thank you! We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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